Ancestral Quest
First and Foremost with FamilySearch
Additional Information
Ancestral Quest was the first desktop family tree program to be a FamilySearch Compatible Solution, allowing AQ users to access, update and sync with FamilySearch's online databases, and is currently compatible to share and collaborate with Family Tree. AQ has met the rigorous standards set by FamilySearch to be a Compatible Solution for Tree Share, Sources, Discussions, Change History and Church of Jesus Christ of LDS Support. (See panel to left for details.) No other software has more compatible features than Ancestral Quest.
Repair Families
Going above and beyond the FamilySearch requirements, Ancestral Quest is the only1 desktop family history application to allow you to correct improperly linked families in FamilySearch Family Tree. You can unlink children from families when they have been improperly linked, and you can separate improperly linked couples, even when children are linked to them.
Share Notes
Ancestral Quest allows you to view notes from both your personal file and the records of Family Tree. Whether you store most of your documentation in Notes or in Sources, AQ will allow you to transfer that documentation to Family Tree. AQ was the first Compatible Tree Share program to allow you to exchange notes between your file and Family Tree, and is the only1 Compatible Tree Share program to adhere to the collaboration standards set for other data when working with notes in Family Tree.
Source Details
In addition to meeting the requirements to be FamilySearch Compatible Sources application, Ancestral Quest provides exacting genealogists with an extra bonus. In most desktop family tree programs, sources are recorded with such details as the source Title, Author, Publication Facts, Repository, Page Number, Source Quality, etc. In Family Tree, sources provide this information as a formatted 'citation', but do not contain the detailed breakdown of this data. AQ allows users to send the breakdown of these details to Family Tree to be stored in the Notes portion of the Family Tree source. This allows other users of a desktop program to later import the source in such a way that the Title, Author, Repository, etc., are properly brought back from Family Tree.
Current Compatible Features
Tree Share (full tree read and write) to read and write Family Tree data to match, compare, and modify records. Also includes required compatibility for sources, discussions, change history, and interaction with community members. |
Sources to read Family Tree data allowing user to match and reference online 'sources' such as records, photos, documents, and media that provide evidence of events and relationships. |
Discussions to read, write, and comment on discussion threads for individual records in Family Tree. |
Change History to read and list changes made by contributors to the Family Tree, sources, and discussions. |
Church of Jesus Christ of LDS Support that specific data and features for 'LDS members only' can only be accessed when the user is appropriately logged in to FamilySearch. Compatible Tree Access is necessary for reading ordinance information, Compatible Tree Share is necessary for requesting, changing, sharing, and printing Ordinance Cards. |
Personal Ancestral File (PAF) Compatible to edit PAF data files. Ancestral Quest goes a step further, and is the ONLY desktop family tree software to actually use a PAF database just as PAF does, so that no import is necessary. |
Memories Write to add and maintain photos, stories and other documents. |
FamilySearch Hinting to read and display hints from FamilySearch. |
PAF Compatibility
Ancestral Quest is the only1 full-featured family tree program which is both a FamilySearch Compatible Solution for Tree Share and can transfer data between Family Tree and a PAF 5 file.